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Men’s sexual experience begins to expand from penis enlargement to ejaculation, and male users who actively use sex dolls are also increasing. Sex dolls are not only used for sex and interest, but also as practical companions for single and lonely groups.

With the lifting of the ban and the gradual liberalization of social customs, the control of disciplinary sexual desire has been reduced, and sex dolls are no longer obscene objects, but sex dolls full of love and fun. Sex isn’t just about intimacy between men and women, the new sex dolls also allow multisex people to pursue the possibilities of fun and play.

Although use sex dolls There has been some protests over women’s rights and autonomy, and men’s enthusiasm for buying sex dolls has grown.of sales female sex doll It’s growing at a rate of 50% a year, and male sex dolls are also growing at a rate of 30%.

In addition, the humiliation of sluts in the social climate also lingers, and friendly erotic spaces need to be managed and worked hard to maintain, reminding us that the cost of erotic performance between different genders Sexual orientation has a way to go. The reform of the power operation of the target class cannot stop at the current practice. Until one day, sex dolls will be able to get rid of “female substitutes” and “sexual masturbators”, regain their purest sexual desire, and make them into characters and enjoyments that all kinds of male bodies can seek for self-pleasure.